RECORDED WEBINAR: Specialised Valuations Part 1: Farm Valuations This is a recording of a webinar which took place on 17 September 2021. Join Waitlist Register
Save the date September 17, 2021 to December 31, 2025 GMT+2
Event Details This is a recording of a webinar that took place on 17 September 2021.
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Farm Valuations ( Part 1)
Information required to value a farm - questions you should ask the farmer and what to do on site - presented by Lyndon Storer Valuation process and methodology of fruit farms and wheat farms and how to value farm buildings and specialized buildings - presented by Abraham Laubser Valuation of irrigation on a farm and water rights - presented by Pine Pienaar
CETs: 3
Also available;
Part 2: School & Hotel Valuations
Part 3 Land Lease and Filling Station Valuations
Tickets MEMBER (EX VAT) Farm Valuations
Member Price R 652,17
Member Price R 326,09
NON-MEMBER (EX VAT) Farm Valuations
R 1 304,35
Lyndon Storer Executive Director of Agri Valuations / Agri Land Group (Pty) Ltd
Lyndon Storer Executive Director of Agri Valuations / Agri Land Group (Pty) Ltd Lyndon Matriculated in 1983 in Kimberley and went on to study agriculture at UOFS, obtaining the qualification B. Agric in 1988 and a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Agriculture (MSA) in 1999. In 2005 he enrolled for the NDREE (Extramural), obtaining the Unisa qualification in 2011 and passing the board exam of the SACPVP in 2012. Lyndon worked extensively in the Agricultural field, as an extensionist (MGK: 1990 – 1994), Animal Feed Nutritionist / Representative (OTK:1994 – 2000), Banker and Agri Specialist / Economist: EC Border Region (Absa: 2000 – 2005). He started working as a valuer from June 2005 onwards, working widely across the country in various companies (Spectrum / DDP / Jamrec Property Solutions / Nedbank), recently moving from Nedbank as Business Bank Regional Valuer (EC, FS and KZN Region). In September 2018, Lyndon joined the Agriland Group as Executive Director: Agri Valuations, and continues to build his career in the agricultural field and valuation profession. Lyndon has addressed the SAIV and BASA presentations related to valuations on a number of occasions during the past 5 years.
Abraham Loubser
Abraham Loubser I retired at the end of March 2020 from Nedbank where I held the position as the property valuations manager for the Cape Province. I have had a life-long involvement with property valuations and started my career in 1985 at The Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa. I am a family man and believe in the family structure. Although I am a bit of an introvert, my work experience has taught me to work with larger teams and at the same time to have good interpersonal relationships. Character traits which I value highly are trustworthiness, being goal orientated and logical thinking. Over the last number of years, I have been a mentor to junior valuers, a role which I have enjoyed and which has been very meaningful to me. I wish to stay involved with valuation work and am always glad to learn more of this industry.
Pine Pienaar CEO of Agri Land Price Index
Pine Pienaar CEO of Agri Land Price Index Pine Pienaar is the CEO of Agri Land Price Index (Pty) Ltd (ALPIX). He has almost 60 years experience in the agricultural sector which includes being an advisor, consultant, farmer, an agri- specialist and a valuer. Since 1987 his experience has included the valuation of farms and the evaluation of financing applications. Pine has developed and presented a number of courses nationally. These include financial models, cash flow models and valuation courses. He is the founder and presenter, since 2004, of a Farm Valuation Course. He is a guest lecturer at Wits University as well as at the annual SACPVP work school. He is the author of the book Farm Valuations in Practice, widely regarded by the South African valuation profession as the most authoritative manual on the subject in the country. Pine holds, among other qualifications, a MBL, a BCom and a National Diploma Real Estate (Valuations) all from the University of South Africa (UNISA), as well as a National Diploma Agriculture Field Services from Technikon Pretoria. He is a registered professional valuer with the South African Council of the Properry Valuation Profession (SACPVP) and is a member of the South African Institute of Valuers (SAIV).
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