We are pleased to bring you the 2024 KZN Branch Annual General Meeting & Seminar taking place on 14 March 2024.

Let's meet at the Master Builders Conference Centre in Westville, Durban for a short but impactful session offering you the opportunity to learn from industry experts and to network with like-minded professionals.

To be covered:

  • RSA Budget Review & Economic Prospects presented by John Loos, Property Strategist at FNB Commercial Property Finance
  • Summary of IVS Update: Published 31 January 2024, effective 31 January 2025 presented by Graham Allan, MIVSA
  • Driving IVS Adherence to Differentiate the Valuation Profession presented by Malusi Mthuli, Provincial Head (KZN) at FNB Commercial Property Finance
  • 2024 Annual General Meeting chaired by Graham Allan, Chairperson of KZN Branch




07:30 - 08:00
Arrival & Registration
08:00 - 08:45
Breakfast & Networking
08:45 - 09:00
Welcome by SAIV KZN Branch Chairperson: Graham Allan
09:00 - 10:00
John Loos: Property Strategist, FNB Commercial Property Finance
RSA Budget Review & Economic Prospects
10:00 - 11:00
Summary of IVS Update: Published 31 January 2024, effective 31 January 2025 - G Allan

Driving IVS Adherence to Differentiate the Valuation Profession - M Mthuli
11:00 - 11:30
Tea Break
11:30 - 12:15
KZN Annual General Meeting
12:15 - 12:30
Closure & Thanks: SAIV President - Dianne de Wet


  • John Loos (Property Strategist, FNB Commercial Property Finance)

    John Loos

    Property Strategist, FNB Commercial Property Finance

    John Loos started his economist career in the National Treasury, in the team that implemented the country’s 1st Medium Term Expenditure Framework in the early days of Finance Minister Trevor Manuel’s tenure
    His time at IHS Globalinsight (now IHS-Markit), a major US-based consultancy, was his introduction to macroeconomic analysis. This was invaluable in developing his understanding of how the “bigger economic picture” impacts “down” on the sectors that he would later analyse.
    At Absa Group (2000-2005), as macroeconomist co-ordinating the Group’s economic forecasting process, John Loos was named Reuters Economist of the Year in 2004.
    A passion for property cycle analysis, developed during the pre-2008 housing bubble, took him to First National Bank (FNB) in 2006 as a Property Economist. In his time at FNB Home Loans, they developed what was arguably the market leading South African residential market analysis at the time.
    John moved to FNB Commercial Property Finance late in 2018.
    Mr Loos love the “behavioural” side of economics, with human irrationality and cognitive bias being a huge influence on both corporate and household decision making. Another interest is in the drivers of human well-being, a complicated matter often ignored by economic policy makers and households alike, to our detriment.
    Public speaking and Media/Public relations are enjoyable “hobbies” of his in his main focus areas of economics, and occasionally in subjects such as “bias in decision making and goal setting”, “well-being economics” and motivational speaking.
    After growing up on a diet of “ball sports”, including tennis, hockey, squash and golf, he has more recently become a “social endurance sport junkie”. This includes the Comrades Ultra-Marathon, the Ironman Ultra-Triathlon, Kilimanjaro, the 2,300km Freedom Challenge Mountain Bike Race Across South Africa and the 2,800km Beit Bridge- Cape Town TransAfrika race.
    John Loos's sporting allegiances lie with Manchester United, and that great SA rugby team, the Blue Bulls.

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  • Malusi Mthuli (Provincial Head (KZN) at FNB Commercial Property Finance)

    Malusi Mthuli

    Provincial Head (KZN) at FNB Commercial Property Finance

    Malusi began his 18-year career in property valuations at the eThekwini Municipality in Durban and went on to work in the private sector. This is where he broadened his experience whilst working for JHI, Nedbank Corporate Property Finance and Investec Specialist Bank leading up to FirstRand Group. His previous notable roles include Head of Property Risk: Johannesburg, Head of Property Risk: Eastern & Southern Cape both at Investec; Head of Valuations: Rand Merchant Bank and currently Head of Valuations: FNB Commercial property Finance, both subsidiaries of the FirstRand Group. Prior to being elected President in 2021, he served as the Deputy President of the South African Institute of Valuers and Deputy Chair of the No for three years and more recently as a Chairman of the Northern Branch.

    Malusi has completed the National Diploma in Real Estate, B.Com. Honours in Property Valuation and Management, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration. He is due to graduate in 2021 with an Masters in Business Administration, for which his research treatise is titled “The Future of the Property Valuation Profession in South Africa towards 2040”.

    Malusi’s passion for PropTech has led him to be a significant voice in the development of an online valuation workflow system which provided qualitative and quantitative input into the Basel models, and delivering a Commercial Property Index.

    Malusi is married with three kids, two girls and a boy. He enjoys playing golf and travelling during his spare time.

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  • Graham Allan (Chairperson at SAIV KZN Branch)

    Graham Allan

    Chairperson at SAIV KZN Branch

    Graham entered the property industry in 2005 when he joined the Acutt Property Group as a real estate agent operating in Durban’s Greater Bera.
    He soon attained a desire to obtain a formal qualification in the property sector and he registered in 2007 as a candidate property valuer with the SACPVP.
    Graham became a qualified Professional Valuer in 2012.

    Apart from valuation work, he has also worked as a Commercial & Industrial broker with Andrew Wood Properties and latterly with the Acutts Group with whom he operated in the major industrial suburbs in the Greater Durban area.
    Graham is also an appraiser registered with the Department of Justice.

    He has been a member of the SA Institute of Valuers since 2007 and he has served in the KwaZulu-Natal committee since 2016 and is currently its chairman.
    Graham is also an Associate Member of RICS (the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors).

    In terms of formal education, he has attained the following:
    1) a Bachelor of Science Degree from Edinburgh University
    2) a Post-graduate Diploma in Management from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh
    3) a Diploma in Real Estate from Unisa

    Graham enjoys music in many of its forms and he enjoys walking in any environment.

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KZN Master builders Conference Centre

40 Essex Terrace, Westville
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

If you have any questions please contact Anne-Marie Delport

Contact Organizer

+27 128801376

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2024 KZN Branch Annual General Meeting & Seminar

Member Price R 504,35

2024 KZN Branch Annual General Meeting & Seminar

Member Price R 173,91

2024 KZN Branch Annual General Meeting & Seminar

Standard Price R 860,87

2024 KZN Branch Annual General Meeting ONLY

11h30 - 12h00

Standard Price Complimentary