This course offers you the opportunity to learn the architecture of the property market. It also allows you to learn how to use the relevant tools to uncover opportunities in the property market and the underlying determinants of the income-producing potential of an asset.

The main instructor for the course is Professor Samuel Azasu, Counselor of Real Estate and Academic Director of the Master of Real Estate program at the University of Navarra (Campus Madrid) in Spain.

This 14-week online course gives you a detailed introduction to the tools and processes of market analysis using a housing project as an example. Starting from city-level analysis, it will allow you to understand how and why city growth is important for anticipating future demand for real estate.

Then, you will learn to estimate the level of excess demand within the market area of a specific project.

Finally, you will be able to use site and neighbourhood analysis to forecast prices and achievable rents for a project in a specific location.


To demonstrate an understanding of the following:

  • The importance of real estate market analysis.

  • The structure of a market analysis report.

  • The drivers of demand and supply of residential real estate.